Faq Page
Why put CBD oil under your tongue?
The digestive process is a long one, which can take up to hours. When leaving the oil under your tongue you bypass it by absorbing the oil directly into your bloodstream via the sublingual membrane. Subsequently it is immediately shuttled to your tissues. In other words : it is as a short-cut to digestion
How long before starting to feel the CBD relief effects?
With the appropriate dosage and depending on the severity of your pain or disquiet, it can take up from 15 to 45 minutes.
Is it safe to use on a daily basis?
CBD is non-addictive and non-intoxicative.Furthermore on a daily use it can help you come over modern life’s ailments such as anxiety, stress or insomnia.
How many drops should I take?
Our physical and mental health varies from one to another. We recommend starting with the dosage indicated on the pack. After which, be responsive to your body’s reaction to adapt if necessary.
Will I be ``high`` after taking CBD oil?
Studies have shown CBD does not impair driving. Cannabis plants have a multiple range of cannabinoid compounds, over 100. Cannabidiol (CBD) is just one of them. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is another cannabinoid. Despite being derived from the same plant and having a similar molecular structure CBD and THC are two different compounds. When inhaling or eating cannabis, it is the THC component which gives the “high” sense, euphoria feeling and other incapacitating psychotic effects.
Will the oil cause munchies?
Our product will not cause you munchies. However, since CBD relieves from nausea and helps ease the digestive and nervous system, it could benefit to stimulate your appetite.
Can CBD help with PMS or menstrual pain?
As CBD helps for inflammatory and pain relief, it could ease your menstrual discomforts. Its sedative benefits, aids to calm your nervous system and it will soothing your mood to help you relax.
Who should not take products containing CBD?
If you are undergoing a medical treatment or have an underlying medical condition, consult your general physician or specialised doctor on your CBD use. Pregnant women should not take CBD oil. Do not use CBD before driving.